Friday, February 29, 2008

From the beginning til the very end.

Everday. a new child is born. with life symbolises hope.
It used to be so free when we were once that young.
Not knowing anything at all surounding us.
Being happy all the tyme.
Cry only because we have poop in our pants
or because we needed to eat.

As days go by, we grow older, we learn to be tough.
We learn that the only person we can depend on is ourselves.
In the end of the day it all comes down to us.
Leaving us alone.

Everyone's got their own shit to handle. We all have our own stress and problems.
Sometimes, all I wanna do is to drain it all down the washers.

Somebody wish for their love ones to be there.

Some others drown themselves with deep tunes of music.

Some get drunk and go crazy at the speedway.

ME? I just wanna scream out loud. But no matter how loud your talking. Nobody could hear you.

It's like your trap in yourself and you just cant do much because your being captive by youself and the voices you made will never be heard.

No matter how much you try to express youself.

In he end of the day. The war is yours alone to fight.

Because what walks with us is only our shadow.

So what if life is so fill with DRAMA??
BE happy. BE forgiving. LOVE the people around you.

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